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áÅÐ The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

¨Ñ´ÊÑÁÁ¹Ò·Ò§ÇÔªÒ¡Òà àÃ×èͧ Strengthening Trade & Economic Relations between Korea and Thailand ã¹Çѹ¾Ø¸·Õè 29 Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2546 µÑé§áµèàÇÅÒ 10.30 – 17.15 ¹. ³ Ëéͧ´ØÊÔµ¸Ò¹ÕÎÍÅÅì âçáÃÁ´ØÊÔµ¸Ò¹Õ ¡Ãا෾Ϡ â´ÂÁÕÇѵ¶Ø»ÃÐʧ¤ìà¾×èÍà»ç¹¡ÒÃÈÖ¡ÉÒáÅÐÃдÁ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ô´àËç¹à¾×èÍÊè§àÊÃÔÁ¤ÇÒÁÃèÇÁÁ×͵ÅÍ´¨¹¤ÇÒÁÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ìã¹´éÒ¹µèÒ§æ ÃÐËÇèÒ§»ÃÐà·È·Ñé§Êͧ·Õè¼èÒ¹ÁÒáÅÐá¹Çâ¹éÁã¹Í¹Ò¤µÃÇÁ¶Ö§¡ÒþѲ¹Òº·ºÒ·áÅФÇÒÁÃèÇÁÁ×ͤÇÒÁàª×èÍÁ⧡Ѻͧ¤ì¡ÃáÅСѺ¡ÅØèÁ»ÃÐà·Èã¹ÀÙÁÔÀÒ¤µèÒ§ æ µèÍä» ·Ñ駹Õé¨ÐÁÕ¼Ùéà¢éÒÃèÇÁ§Ò¹»ÃСͺ´éÇ¢éÒÃÒª¡Òèҡ¡ÃзÃǧ ·ºÇ§ ¡ÃÁµèÒ§æ ¹Ñ¡¸ØáԨ·Ñ駪ÒÇä·ÂáÅеèÒ§»ÃÐà·È Ê×èÍÁÇŪ¹áÅмÙé·Õèʹã¨â´Â·ÑèÇä» (ÊÑÁÁ¹Òà»ç¹ÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ)


A seminar on

"Strengthening Trade & Economic Relations between Korea and Thailand "

Organizers :

 - The Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) , Thammasat University

- The Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology, Thammasat University

- The Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)

Place : Dusit Thani Hall, the Dusit Thani Hotel, Bangkok

Date : 29 January, 2003

Outlined Schedules

10.00 - 10.30 Registration

10.30 - 10.45 Welcoming Address by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Naris Chaiyasoot,     Rector, Thammasat University

10.45 - 11.00 Keynote Speech by H.E. Choi Hyuck,  Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Thailand

11.00 - 11.15 Keynote Speech by Deputy Premier Prommin Lertsuridej,  M.D. Deputy Prime Ministers, Office of the Prime Minister

Mc : IEAS representative

Session I : Economy of Korea and Thailand

11.15 - 11.30 Overview of Thai ’s Economy by Mr. Somphong Wanapha, Secretary General, Office of The Board of Investment

11.30 - 11.45 Overview of Korea’s Economy by Dr. Ahn, Choong - yong,  President of KIEP

11.45 - 12.00 Question & Answers from auditorium

Mc : IEAS representative

12.00 - 13.30 Lunch

Session II : "Strengthening Trade & Economic Relations between Korea and Thailand "

13.30 - 14.00 Introductory session by moderator

                   Doing Business with Thailand by Mr. Kwon, Kyung-duck of KIEP

                   Doing Business with Korea by Mr. Pongchai Setthiwon,  President of Thai - Korea Chamber of Commerce

Moderator : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Worapol Promigabutr, Chairman, Korean Studies Center , IEAS     Dean, Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology

Session III : East Asia Economic Integration and its Implications

14.00-15.15 East Asian Monetary Cooperation by Dr. Wang, Yun - jong of KIEP

                              East Asian Monetary Cooperation by Representative from Bank of Thailand

                              East Asian FTA by Dr. Cheong, Inkyo, Research Fellow of KIEP

                             East Asian FTA by Representative from Ministry of Commerce, Thailand

Moderator : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Pitsanu Soontrarak , Consultant, Korean Studies Center , IEAS

15.15 - 15.30 Coffee Break

15.30 – 17.00 Panel Discussion / Questions & Answers from auditorium

17.00 - 17.15 Closing Ceremony


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â·Ã.0-2564-5000-3 µèÍ 401,301    â·ÃÊÒÃ.0-2564-4777,0-2564-4888   E-mail: ieas@asia.tu.ac.th  ieas@tu.ac.th http: www.asia.tu.ac.th