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Seminar “The Thai Auto Industry : Paths for Survival and Success in the 21st Century: Organized by The Institute of East Asian Studies Thammasat University Under a Sponsorship of The Japan Foundation on Wednesday, 9th January 2002, at Japanese Studies Center Building, Thammasat University Rangsit Campus --------------------------------- Rationale The world automotive industry has recently undergone dramatic change and more structural change is set to take place over the next several years. Thai automotive industry has largely been prompted by the prolonged weakness in the domestic vehicle market, which has decrease very serious over-capacity problems for most of the importers. For example, Thailand imported vehicle and parts decreasing more than a half, from 121, 893 million Baht in 1995 to 48,394 mil. Bath in 1999. Especially from Japan, slide from 91,072 mil. Baht to 11,731 mil Baht (or-87%). And also, from Germany, from 16,055 mil. Baht to 2,737 mil. Baht (or-83%). However, Thailand exported vehicle parts and accessories increasingly 3.5 times, from 16, 341 mil. Baht to 74,899 mil. Baht in 1995 and 1999, respectively. Particularly, exporting to ASEAN increased from 1,916 mil. Baht to 3,498 mil. Baht (or+83%). And wonderful exported to EU, increasing number, from 2,394 mil Baht to 23,054 mil. Baht, around 8.6 times. It is meant that during 1995-1999, Thailand imported vehicle and parts which is included of passenger cars, buses and trucks, chasis and bodies, and tires in decreasing rate, on the other hand, increasingly exported vehicle parts and accessories comprised of passenger cars and parts, motorcycle parts, bicycle parts and other. It reveals the change in value and structural change. In the same time, manufacturer side of view, Japanese automotive industry has dramatically changed. The overall production of Japanese vehicle industry performance was decreasing. Such as, four-wheeled vehicles from 13.5 mil.unit to 10.1 mil.unit, passenger cars from 9.9 mil.unit to 8.1 mil.unit, chasis for tracks from 3.5 mil unit to 1.9 mil.unit, bodies for motor vehicles from 3.8 mil.unit to 2.4 mil.unit and passenger car bodies from 1.0 mil.unit to 0.7 mil.unit, in 1990 and 2,000 respectively. However, the production of ordinary passenger car increased from 1.7 mil.unit to 3.1 mil.unit, and also, chassis for buses, from 40,000 unit to 57,000 unit. The cases which referred above indicate that the dynamic of the world automotive industry is changing. While some sectors got lose other gain. To cope with this problems, win-win relationship have to be established in the context. It means the economic relationship (commercial relationship) between Thailand and her foreign partners should be investigated a change in automotive industry (Japan, China and Korea) intensively both change value and structural change. Without realized the facts and figures the stakeholder gets risk. Therefor, it was wiser to inform stakeholder in order to discuss about alternative to plan to increase both production and distribution. Objective The objectives of the seminar are as follows : 2.1 to be explained an effect of globalization process to the automotive industrial development of East Asian Countries and Thailand. 2.2 to describe the evolution of automotive industry of Thailand, Japan, China and Korea in the last decade and its trend in the 21st century. 2.3 to discuss about the situation, treat or obstruction, opportunity and the key to success of automotive industry in 21st Century Course Lecture
Group discussion Topic “Situation, treat or obstruction, opportunity and the key to success of automotive industry in 21st Century”