International Workshop
on Small Scale Farm Mechanization and Bio-eco Fuel

Date: March 17 (International Workshop) -18 (Field trip), 2009

Time: 8:00 am – 18:30 pm

Venue : Institute of East Asian Studies, Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus, Thailand

organized by
Institute of East Asian Studies, Thammasat University
IFPaT (International Farmers Participation Technical Network, NPO, Japan)
in cooperation with
Faculties of Engineering Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Thammasat University, Thailand 
Siam  Kubota Industry, Thailand


PROGRAM March 17, 2009
07:00  Registration
08:00  Opening address Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somchai Chakhatrakan, Director of IEAS, TU.Thailand
08:10  Welcome address    Representative of Rector of TU, Thailand
               Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siriporn Khampalikit, Vice Rector for Administration (Rangsit Campus)
08:20  Keynote speech      Prof. Dr. Nobutaka Ito, President, IFPaT (NPO), Japan
           Chairman: Dr. Sermkiat Jomjunion, Dean, FOE, CMU, Thailand
09:00  Group photo & Coffee break
Morning Session
09:30  Present Status, Constraints and Prospects of Agricultural Mechanization in
           Kinga Norbu, Chetem Wangchen, AMC, MOA,  Hai Sakurai, JICA Ex. Bhutan
           Chairman: Mr. Yukio Hishida, JICA SV, Sri Lanka
10:00  Study on Mechanical Household Level Milk Churner in Bhutan
           ChenkoTshering, Kinga Norbu, AMC, MOA, Hai Sakurai, JICA Ex. Bhutan
           Chairman: Dr. Pinai, FOE, Thammasat University, Thailand
10:30  Study on Impeller type De-husker of Buckwheat for Small Farmers in Bhutan
           Onam Pem, Lungten Norbu, AMC, MOA, Hai Sakurai, JICA Ex. Bhutan
            Chairman: Dr. Toshiyuki Tsujimoto, IFPaT, (NPO), Japan
11:00  Agricultural Mechanization in Sri Lanka with F.M.T.C(Farm Mechanization
            Mr. Yukio Hishida, JICA SV, Mr. D. A. W Mechanical Engineer, AMC,
            Sri Lanka
            Chairman: Dr. Pinai Thongsawatwong, FOE, TU, Thailand
11:30  Agricultural Mechanization in Lopburi Province, Thailand
            Dr. Thaniya Niyampa, FOE, KU, Thailand
Dr. Hai Sakurai, JICA Expert, Bhutan

12:00  Lunch


Afternoon Session
13:00  Bio-eco Fuel program at SIAM KUBOTA Industry CO. LTD., Thailand
           Kritwit Jaiklangburana, Chief Engineer, Team 1 Engine Team Reseach &
           Products Development
            Chairman: Dr. Pinai Thongsawatwong, FOE, TU, Thailand
Agricultural Mechanization in Lopburi Province, Thailand
            Dr. Thaniya Niyampa, FOE, KU, Thailand

14:00   Bio-Eco Fuel for Practical Application
            Dr. Takaaki Maekawa, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
            Chairman Mr. Chachai, FOE, TU, Thailand
14:00  Mechanization in Sugarcane Production
            Dr. Nguyen Hay, Vice President, Nong Lam University, Vietnam
            Chairman  Dr. Takaaki Maekawa, Professor Emeritus, UOT, Japan
14:30  Applied Technology of Dry Fruits and Vegetables by Solar Dryer for Small
            Scale Farmers
            Dr. Toshiyuki Tsujimoto, IFPaT (NPO), Japan         
           Chairman Mr. Chachai, FOE, TU, Thailand
15:00  Rice Mechanization Exhibition proposed by SIAM KUBOTA Industry
           CO. LTD.  Exhibition will be explanation in Thai language
16:00 Two Papers will be presented by SIAM KUBOTA industry CO. LTD.
           Chairman: Dr. Ngyuen Hay, VP, NLU, Vietnam
17:00  General Discussion on Bio-Eco Fuel chaired by Dr. Takaaki Maekawa, 
           Professor Emeritus, UOT, Japan
17:30  Wrap up
17:40  Certificate Grant
18:30  Dinner
19:30 After Dinner talk or New  Information Exchange / Discussion
20:30 Release and free


PROGRAM March 18, 2009 (Field trip)

06:00  Wake up

06:20  Breakfast

07:00  Bus departure

12:00  Lunch

18:30  Farewell Dinner
            Attraction / Friendship communication plaza

20:00  Close


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